fedora-qa / kanban

Created 4 years ago
Maintained by lbrabec
Pagure Kanban Board
Members 2
Josef Skladanka committed 2 days ago

Create venv and install deps

python3 -mvenv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Init DB and run app

python run_cli.py init_db -d
python run_cli.py mock_db_users -d
python run_cli.py mock_db_issues -d -v fedora-qa
python run_cli.py mock_db_issues -d -v fedora-qa/kanban
python run_cli.py mock_db_issues -d -v fedora-qa/blockerbugs
python runapp.py

Create Alembic migration

alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Added user table"